Health is the main capital of all things contained in human beings, with a healthy body of course, we can run all things well. But how do we order to have a healthy body? of course we need to know a few that need our attention.
To get a healthy body of course, we have to know the disease in ourselves so that we can quickly and precisely above. Here's Tips On How To Find Female Body Disease. Check out more information.
If you see dark lines under fingernails
Large mole is not the only sign of skin cancer - the disease can also develop under the nail. Lines yellowish, brown, or black is a sign of cell damage, possibly due to melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer), says Ariel Ostad, MD, a dermatologist in New York City.
With early detection and treatment, about 95 percent of cases can be cured, so see a dermatologist if you find these symptoms.
If you see a bright white stripes
All people often have white spots on their nails (it's usually a sign that your fingers pinched in a drawer), but if you see the colors change with the length of the horizontal lines on the surface of the nail and you are feeling tired lately, it could be bad news of the kidney.
"The lines may be a sign that your kidneys can not filter out the protein that does not get out of your urine," Ostad said. That means your body is losing protein faster than you consumption- and it can lead to kidney failure. Visit your doctor as soon as possible for a urine test.
If you see a piece of skin and dark coarse
Are you new to go to sea for sunbathing? If not, this phenomenon means you likely have diabetes, said Michael Smith, MD, chief medical editor of WebMD. Excess insulin in the bloodstream can cause skin cells to grow abnormally quickly, causing buildup of tissue and melanin.
This makes the skin look darker and feel thicker. "It most often occurs in the armpits, neck, or groin," Smith said. A simple blood test can determine whether you suffer from the disease or not, which occurs in about 24 million Americans - nearly a quarter of them are undiagnosed.
Eyelids, ELBOW, KNEE
If you see a small bump, which looks soft white or glossy
The good news: It's not acne. The bad news: This is a small deposit of cholesterol, says Smith.
Unfortunately, "when they show up, your cholesterol levels are very high, this is a serious risk factor for heart disease." But reduce your cholesterol levels by 10 percent can reduce the risk of a third less.
See your doctor for a cholesterol check, and ask him about lifestyle changes or prescription drugs that can lower your cholesterol levels.
If you notice hair thinning
Excessive hair loss is a common indicator of a thyroid disorder, which occurs in about 10 percent of American women. When your thyroid (a gland in the middle of your neck) is damaged, it can disrupt the balance of sex hormones of men and women. As a result: more strands of your hair that feels coarse and brittle, says Sandra Fryhofer, MD, a physician in Atlanta.
Your doctor can measure the amount of thyroid hormone in your blood - if the level is too much or too little, you will need medication to manage it.
If you see your scalp fall like the snake skin
If your scalp flakes suddenly make your shoulders look like the Alps during the winter, you need to be vigilant. "Levels of severe stress causes your body produces excessive amounts of the hormone cortisol," says Ostad. "In addition to wreak havoc on the immune system (making you more susceptible to the flu) and your metabolism (making you become more obese), cortisol can also make your scalp dry."
A dandruff shampoo products can reduce scalp hair loss, but if you really want to shoulder that is free of snow, try to get more sleep, breathe more deeply, and loosen your busy schedule.
If you see thick hair, black pointy toes
Forest growing in your stomach is thick enough to hide the hobbit family? Bushy hair, which extends toward the rough navel (not grow downward from the top of the pubic bone) can be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), says Pamela Berens, MD, an expert in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Texas Medical School.
Caused by excess production of androgens, the condition can cause irregular periods or heavy, weight gain, acne, and hair thick, black on the abdomen, face, chest, and back. One in 10 women suffer from PCOS, which can be a serious risk factors such as infertility and heart disease.
If you have these symptoms, see a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, he may prescribe birth control pills to restore your hormones.
If you look at the layers, white and yellow, or orange
If your tongue looks as if painted with bright colors, you might spill your entrails while sleeping, said Fryhofer. Normally, one-way valve at the bottom of the esophagus to make sure that any fall will not go up. Acid reflux occurs when this valve opens spontaneously and fill your stomach out of your throat, making your tongue coated with acid indigestion and you will have unpleasant breath.
Most reflux can be treated with OTC antacids or simply by avoiding acidic and spicy foods, if these steps do not work, see your doctor. You may need a prescription medication to reduce your body's production of stomach acid.
If you see the circles under the eyes that never lost
Unless it has a side job as a radio announcer midnight, dark circles that suddenly appears may be associated with allergies. Chain reaction, according to Ostad, goes like this: A allergens invade your body, which triggers the release of histamine response, these chemicals make blood vessels swell with blood and other fluids, and consequently: dark areas appear on the skin is thinnest.
Allergen skin test can determine what is causing the symptoms.
If you see yellow spots in your eyeballs
No, you do not suffer from the rare cases of acne optics. In contrast, a slightly raised spots on the whites of your eyes is a symptom of a dangerous condition called pinguecula. "This is nothing more than an overgrowth of collagen which is triggered by damage from the sun, wind, or dust," said Traci Goldstein, an ophthalmologist at the Metropolitan Vision Correction Associates in New York City.
Keep your eye to keep it moist with drops and always wear eye protection when outside the room (make sure your sunglasses offer 100 percent protection against UVA and UVB rays) to prevent patches grow larger.
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