

Thursday, October 3, 2013

4 Things That Cause Allergies And How To Overcome The occurrence

When the immune system reacts to something that does not bother most other people, the body's response cascade that follows is often referred to as an allergy reaction. Often people who have allergies are sensitive to more than one thing. Scientists think that our genetic makeup and our environment contribute to whether or not we will have allergies.

We need our immune system to sound the alarm and fight germs. It is our body's defense system. But, if you suffer from allergies your body may sound a false alarm and cause a runny nose, sneezing, swelling, and rash that makes you feel bad when you are exposed to substances trigger.

Some substances that trigger allergic reactions are often

Dust mites, mold spores, pet fur, pollen, food, insect stings, medications, allergies Probiotics can help patients with three of the major allergens in this list.

1. Dust mites

Of many substances that can trigger allergies and reactions, dust mites are the most important. House dust mites are microscopic spider-like creatures that feed on scales of human skin. Dust mites eat skin scales and produce feces wrapped in a protein that stimulates allergic substances.

Also dust mites reproduce rapidly with the emerging new generation about every 3 weeks. When a person is hypersensitive to dust mite waste material come into contact with dust that contains it - their cells release histamine and other chemicals that cause allergic reactions.

Unfortunately, high levels of mites can be found in mattresses, pillows, bedding, furniture, drapes and stuffed toys. If the items are small disturbed dust mites and dirt to become airborne and can remain suspended in the air for up to 30 minutes.

If you want to reduce dust mite allergens is best to start in the bedroom. If your allergies are severe, you may want to wrap the mattress and box springs in impermeable cover special.

Chrisal recommend that you spray the mattress, box springs, pillows and bedding with allergy free if you are a moderate allergic reaction to light. Do not forget to lightly mist curtains and upholstered furniture as well.

Allergy Free is a probiotic product containing viable microbes friendly. It consumes matter bacillus dust mite feces, thereby reducing the amount of allergy. Microbes can live up to 72 hours and consume protein offending feces for their entire life span.

Reapplication by misting the pillows and blankets every 3 days to keep the low amount of dust mite allergens in your bedroom. Use on fabrics, curtains and carpets throughout your home surfaces to keep dust mite allergens are considered to minimum.

2. Mold Spores

Mold and mildew are types of fungi. Mold fragments, spores and mycotosins (toxic chemicals) can trigger allergy symptoms even in people who do not have any other known allergies. Mayo Clinic has been involved fungus as the cause of almost all chronic sinusitis afflicts more than 37 million Americans.

Fungi reproduce by sending microscopic spores float in the air. When the spores land on a damp spot, with a pH of anywhere from 2 to 8, the mold will grow.

Indoor mold can not always be seen or smelled. Mold can trigger asthma and allergic reactions such as coughing, wheezing, sneezing, throat irritation, sinus congestion, watery eyes, red eyes, skin rash, headache and fatigue.

Mold need nutrients and they compete with bacteria for organic nutrients. This is why probiotics can reduce the amount of mold spores.

Good microbes compete for nutrients with mold mold eventually starved out. Also, probiotics create drier conditions that make it more difficult for mold to flourish.

If you are allergic to mold and mildew, there is also a probiotic cleaning products available that will minimize this fungus. There is a multi-purpose cleaner, floor cleaner and toilet bowl cleaner and each contain viable probiotics to help reduce mold and mildew in your household.

3. Pet dander

What will we covered in fur and feather friends that cause allergies? The main allergens are found in small pieces of dead skin (called fur) of animals that have been flattened.

A protein in the dander is the culprit. Pet saliva and urine also contains protein allergens. Microscopic hairs, such as mold spores and dust mite allergens, can float in the air for long periods of time before settling.

Pet dander can be found in homes where pets are not allowed because it can be carried in on clothing and shoes. If the body

You are hypersensitive to protein in pet dander, urine and saliva exposure will trigger the release of histamine and you will soon have a nose itchy, red and watery eyes, and congestion. Pet dander can also trigger asthma attacks.

Probiotics see and pet dander offending protein as a food source. Microbes use protein as a feather and nutrition.

So, when you mist the area where the pet dander is a problem probiotics lower the amount of allergens by doing what comes naturally to them. Friendly microbes eat and eat and eat.

Because having pets provide many health benefits such as reducing blood pressure, cholesterol levels and reduced depression because of loneliness, you might want to check into whether probiotics can help in keeping pet dander allergies under control.

Some individuals will find that they are so sensitive to pet dander that is just better to not have a pet at home, but many people with mild to moderate symptoms of sneezing and wheezing is not necessary.

4. Depression?

You may be surprised to find studies that directly correlates of depression and allergies. In one study 70% if patients are treated for depression have a history of allergies. Become congested all the time can make a person feel tired and grumpy.

Sinus headaches, itchy red eyes, and a feeling of fatigue can cause allergic blues. Some depressive symptoms associated with allergies lethargy, inability to concentrate and low mood.

Antihistamines do not heal because they can contribute to poor sleep patterns. They may initially make you drowsy, but it can cause you to wake up when they wear than four hours later.


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