We often consume fizzy drink that is claimed will not make fat because the calorie content is only 0 percent. But who would have thought taking this one kind of soda, can make people who eat them experience premature aging.
Many researchers believe, mix in soda drinks that include coloring and sweeteners such as aspartame and acesulfame K, which can accelerate the aging process.
Director of Nutrition and Health in the Balance Clinic London, England, Amanda Griggs, said phosphoric acid contained in a bottle of diet soft drinks, can cause a number of health problems when it enters the body.
A study published in the FASEB Journal in 2010 also said that phosphoric acid can accelerate the aging process.
In a study conducted on rats, the results obtained, the mice were given excessive phosphoric acid to death five weeks earlier than rats given phosphoric acid in a more normal levels.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also revealed that phosphoric acid has dikatikan by weakening a person's bone density.
Cited page Daily Mail, Tuesday (10/12/2013), an experimental study was conducted to prove this. Researchers from Harvard University found that the minerals found in the body, can make the skin and muscles wither, as well as heart and kidney damage over time.
To that end, researchers and nutrition experts urged dieters drink diet soda does not enter into the list of drinks that should be consumed.
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